Wednesday 10 January 2018

Drama: Telling it like it is

Warm up: Pass the clap

Pass the clap around the circle going faster each time we go around with no two people clapping at the same time.

Favorite Fairy Tales or Legends:

  • Billy Goats Gruff
  • Pinocchio 
  • Three Little Pigs
  • Cinderella 
  • Tortoise and the Hare
  • Frog and the Scorpion
  • Hansel and Gretel 
  • Fox and The Goat
  • Beauty and the Beast 
  • Jack and the Bean Stalk 
  • Puss in Boots 

Mine from today:

The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

 Your Job: Choose your own fairy tale or legend that you can re-write from another point of view and then present as a monologue.

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