Thursday 18 January 2018

Drama: Telling it Like it is Practicing to Read

Warm up: Zip Zap Zop

Your Job: Practice reading your monologue as if you were the character.

Due: Presenting to small groups on January 23rd.

Monologue Reading Success Criteria

Monologue Reading Checklist  Name:                                    

Volume: Not to loud, Not to quiet, changes with emotion.
Expression: Sound interested in what you are saying.
Pauses and Breathing: Don't race through it take you time.
Body Language: Show what you are saying.
Eye contact: Don't stare at your paper. Trying knowing as many of the words as you can before you present.
Confident: Trust that what you are saying is good and interesting.
Clear Character Voice
Colourful Language
Story Makes Sense

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