Monday 9 April 2018

How to ID birds

How to Id Birds

So you want to know what birds you are seeing? But aren't sure how to do that? Here are some tips and tricks.

  1. Size: Start by looking at how big the bird is. Is it tiny, tiny or really large? This will help you get to know what type of bird you are looking at.
2. Shape: Look at the birds wings, beak and feet if you can, what shape are they? What does this tell you about the bird?

3. Location: Where is the bird: In the water? At a feeder? Going up and down a tree? On the ground? These locations will help you figure out what type of bird you might be looking at.
4. Colour: What colour is the bird? Does it have more then one colour? Could it be a male or a female bird? Also look at the time of year because birds can be different colours at different times of year.

Types of BIrds:

Sparrows/Chickadee/Juncos: Smaller birds more often brow, grey or black with a mixture of colours depending on the time of year such as splashes of colour.

Finches: Smaller birds often more colourful in the spring, have yellow ect. On them.

Cardinals/Blue Jays/Grosbeaks: Medium sized birds often more colourful, especially the males, red, blue, black etc.

Doves: Brown in colour on lots of feeders, medium sized.

Woodpeckers: Hairy and Downy Woodpecker both are black with white spots the downie is much smaller. In both the male has red on its head while the female does not.

How to check what type of bird I am seeing?

First go out find some birds, write down what you see or take pictures of them.

When you get back either:

Use a bird guide or a app like merlin to help you find out what bird you have seen. Remember pictures don’t always look the same.

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