Monday 30 April 2018

To do April 30th

1. Fake news articles based off of a picture.

2. Social Studies- Inquiry Project Tuesday

3. Health Test Signed 

Non Fiction Pictures

Head to Nonfiction Pictures and have a look at the pictures here. Your job is to look at these pictures and write a bias story or article to go with this picture. A fake news story that still sounds believable. We will be sharing them on Tuesday.

Friday 27 April 2018

To do April 27th

1. Fake news articles reading. due Monday

2. Math Fractions Quiz Monday
- Comparing fractions, Ordering fractions,  Mixed Numbers, Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, Converting Fractions to decimals (denominators of 2,4,5, 20,25) (Converting these denominators to 10 or 100 to solve)

3. Math Work Review Page- Monday

4. Social Studies- Inquiry Project Tuseday

5. Health Test Signed 

Have a Great Night! - Mr. H

News Terms

Fake News in Non-Fiction Texts: Definitions

Bias: A tenancy to favor one side/one person/one group to much.

Claim: To say firmly or declare as a fact without proof.

Exaggeration: Make something out to be more then it is.

Reason: A cause, explanation, justification for an action or event.

Evidence: Facts or clues, showign that something is probably true.

Success Criteria: Fractions Quiz

Here is what I am going to be looking for on the fractions quiz.

Name:                                             Fractions Quiz

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge & Understanding
Ø  Can effectively order and Identify mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Ø  Can convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
Ø  Can order and compare fractions and decimals.

Ø Display equivalent fractions using pictures, numbers and words.
Ø  o Show the value of different and similar fractions in more than one way.
Ø Critically evaluates what is being asked and applies a familiar strategy  

Ø  Organized appropriately Important information is displayed , numbers, pictures and words are used to solve where appropriate.
Ø  Uses conventions (ex. vocabulary) and answers questions fully.

Ø   Able to identify how to convert decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals.
Ø Makes connections to what is being asked and use appropriate skills to solve. Draws on knowledge of past units of study.  As well as similar questions in class.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Our Interactive Math Lesson

Here are some shots from our interactive math lesson today. We Created fractions problems on the board before using snap cubes and ten frames to solve the problems. The students then finished up with their own work sheets before we took it up as a class.

Converting Fractions Lesson

From our converting fractions lesson and how we solved question seven from page 268.

Also someone hard at work!

To do April 25th

1. Good copy of letter from another characters point of view due Friday
       - Rough Copy (Hand in, in class)
      - Peer Editing Page (Hand in, in class)
        - Good copy (submitted on google classroom)

2. Math Fractions Quiz Monday
- Comparing fractions, Ordering fractions,  Mixed Numbers, Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, Converting Fractions to decimals (denominators of 2,4,5, 20,25) (Converting these denominators to 10 or 100 to solve)

3. Math Work page- Front Due Tomorrow, Back Due Friday

4. Social Studies- Inquiry Project

5. Health Test Signed (For tomorrow)

6. Walk for Water Friday

Have a Great Night! - Mr. H

- Go Leafs Go 
- Go Raptors Go
- Go TFC Go
- Go Jays Go

Website For Non Fiction

Here is the website we are analyzing for non fiction sources. Non Fiction Website

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Non fiction Fact and Opinion Page

Non fiction fact and Opinion Page for those who have misplaced theirs.

To do April 24th

1. Rough copy letter from another point of view tomorrow
2. Non fiction Opinion and Fact page tomorrow
3. Math Page 268

Great job to all those in the musical!

Have a great night

Mr. Hussey

Friday 20 April 2018

Comparing Fractions

From todays lesson Q 6,7,8,9,10

To do April 20th

1. Letter from a characters point of view- Rough Wed
2. Math work page and text book. (see comparing fractions post)
3. Non-Fiction Article and Fact vs Opinion page

Have a Great Weekend!

Mr. H

Fact vs Opinion

Which are facts and which are Opinion?

1. We had a great time at the basketball game yesterday.
2. Snakes are reptiles.
3. Earth is the third closest planet to the sun in our solar system.
4. Basketball is the best sport to watch.

5. Seventy-five percent of the Earth is covered in water.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Letter Example and Success Criteria April 19th

Here is our class created success criteria and example letter from a characters point of view.


Letter Success Criteria

  • Top right corner
  • Name, Date, Address, Postal Code


  • Indented
  • 1-2 Sentences on how are you, and introduction
  • 1-2 Sentences on what has been going on
  • 1-2 sentences on how you feel and why or what has made you feel that way
  • 1-2 sentences on Next steps, what you want to do or what you hope happens next.

  • One sentence all on its own.

  • Bottom left with your first and last name

  • Indent to start
  • Capitals to start each sentence
  • Periods, question mark or exclamation mark to end each sentence
  • Spelling has been checked
  • Read the letter out loud to make sure it made sense.
  • Colourful language
  • Flows and makes sense.

Todo April 19th

1. Read
2. Rough copy letter due Monday
3.  Math Pg 264 Q 3,4,5,6,7
4. Triangle Question From Blog
5. For those missing the movie review must be here tomorrow or a call home. See Classroom for list. 

Have a Great Night!

- Mr. H 

How many Triangles

How many can you find? Today in class we found 24.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Mr. Hussey Away

Hello everyone,

I am still not feeling well so I will be away this morning at the doctors but will be returning for the afternoon. I will check in when I am back if you have any questions about the work that was left for you.

Thank you,

- Mr. H

Tuesday 17 April 2018

To do April 17th

1. Read
2. Math Patrice page
3. Letter and Movie Review for those not done. 

Have  a Great Night!

Mr. H

- Go Leafs Go
- Go Raptors Go
- Go TFC Go

Bottled vs Tap Water

Tomorrow we will be having a debate in class. The Topic will be is bottled water or Tap water better?

Before we debate you will be using the links on the following website to come up with an opinion and proof for our debate.

Bottled Water Debate

Mixed Numbers

Here are the H.W. Questions

Monday 16 April 2018

Letter Editing Checklist

Authors Name:_________________________

Editors Name:____________________________

Letter Editing Checklist

  • Top right corner
  • Name, Date, Address, Postal Code


  • Indented
  • 1-2 Sentences on how are you
  • 1-2 Sentences on why you are writing
  • 1-2 sentences on what you want

  • One sentence all on its own.

  • Bottom left with your first and last name

  • Indent to start
  • Capitals to start each sentence
  • Periods, question mark or exclamation mark to end each sentence
  • Spelling has been checked
  • Read the letter out loud to make sure it made sense.

Busses April 16th

Busses canceled please be careful if you are coming to school today roads and side walks are quite icy, If you can not make it we will see you here tomorrow. Please be safe.

Basketball games canceled for Jr. Girls Basketball.


Saturday 14 April 2018

To do April 13th

1. Good copy Movie Review- Monday on google classroom
2. Practice Letter- Monday (Header, Greetings, Body: How are you, Why I am writing, What I want, Closing and signature)
3. Read

Go Leafs Go 
Go Raptors Go
Go TFC Go 

Have a Great Weekend!

Friday 13 April 2018

Letter From Today

Gareth Hussey
Moraine Hills Public School
85 Rolling Hill Road Richmond Hill
L4E 4C7

Dear Grade 5’s

I hope you have been enjoying school the last six months I know that I have enjoyed teaching you so far this year and have been having fun making and planning lessons for you.  I am writing to let you know that we only have three months of school left in the year and their is still a lot todo from track and field season, to procedural writing all the way to our units on fractions a decimals. What I am asking you is to keep up the good work all the way until the end of the year.

Hope things are well and that I will hear from you soon!


Gareth Hussey

Thursday 12 April 2018

Wednesday 11 April 2018

To do April 11th

1. Read
2. Good copy of Review Due Monday
3. Health Test Tomorrow
4. Soc Quiz Friday
5. Leaf Day Tomorrow- Wear a Jersey or Blue and White

Have a Great Night!

Tuesday 10 April 2018

To do April 10th

1. Good Copy Movie Review- Monday
2. Editing done
3. Math Test Tomorrow- Finish Review
4. Health Test- Thursday
5. Social Studies Test- Friday
6. Read

Have a Great Night!

Mr. H

Monday 9 April 2018

To do April 9th

1. Lit- Non Fiction Text Questions
2. Pgh 1-4 of movie review written
3. Self Edit Movie Review
4. Math: Study for quiz Wed
5. Health Test Thursday
6. Social Studies Test Friday

Have a Great Night - Mr. H

P.J. and Pancake Day Tomorrow

How to ID birds

How to Id Birds

So you want to know what birds you are seeing? But aren't sure how to do that? Here are some tips and tricks.

  1. Size: Start by looking at how big the bird is. Is it tiny, tiny or really large? This will help you get to know what type of bird you are looking at.
2. Shape: Look at the birds wings, beak and feet if you can, what shape are they? What does this tell you about the bird?

3. Location: Where is the bird: In the water? At a feeder? Going up and down a tree? On the ground? These locations will help you figure out what type of bird you might be looking at.
4. Colour: What colour is the bird? Does it have more then one colour? Could it be a male or a female bird? Also look at the time of year because birds can be different colours at different times of year.

Types of BIrds:

Sparrows/Chickadee/Juncos: Smaller birds more often brow, grey or black with a mixture of colours depending on the time of year such as splashes of colour.

Finches: Smaller birds often more colourful in the spring, have yellow ect. On them.

Cardinals/Blue Jays/Grosbeaks: Medium sized birds often more colourful, especially the males, red, blue, black etc.

Doves: Brown in colour on lots of feeders, medium sized.

Woodpeckers: Hairy and Downy Woodpecker both are black with white spots the downie is much smaller. In both the male has red on its head while the female does not.

How to check what type of bird I am seeing?

First go out find some birds, write down what you see or take pictures of them.

When you get back either:

Use a bird guide or a app like merlin to help you find out what bird you have seen. Remember pictures don’t always look the same.