Thursday 9 November 2017

Remembrance Day: Peace is to me

Today we are going to discuss remembrance day and do an activity to show what peace is to you.

What Peace is to Me

By Mr.Hussey

Peace means a lot to a lot of different people. For some it can be escaping a country where war rages or being able to walk down the street with out fear of gun shots. For me thanks to my grandfather peace is a lot simpler. Peace to me is being able to wake up in my own house, to go to work and to come home. In the summer to see a sunset or in the winter to be able to go and play in the snow. Peace to me is being able to be safe where I live everyday, it is living without fear. That is peace to me.

You may write a paragraph, a poem, do words that you associate with peace. Put pictures and words together. Your job is to find a way to show what peace is to you. You will be doing a rough copy and a good copy on card stock.

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