Thursday 16 November 2017

Narrative Writing # 2

Part of Speech

Today we are going to be looking at Colorful Language.

Colorful Language: Words that help at punch or texture to a story.

The goal with colorful language is to take a word you know and make it as impressive or eye catching as possible.

Describe the Following Picture with Colorful Language


Today we will be looking at Interjections.

Interjection: An interjection is a word that expresses emotion, such as anger, sadness or joy. An interjection can stand alone and is followed by punctuation.
1. “Wow! That rollercoaster was so much fun!

In the 1st sentence, the word Wow expresses excitement, followed by an exclamation point.

2. “Wow, that test wasn’t too hard. In the 2nd sentence, the emotion is not as strong when followed by a comma.

In the 2nd sentence, the emotion is not as strong when followed by a comma.

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