Tuesday 14 November 2017

Narrative Writing #1

We will be starting our unit on Narrative Writing or Short Stories Today.

Our first Nine Lessons Will focus on two main items: Parts of Speech to practice our writing skills and

Parts of Speech
Each day we will add a new definition for our narrative writing unit and Practice our writing skills.

Your definition sheet will go in your green doutang.

Finally we will be looking at a part of speech and grammar as well. You will get a work sheet to practice.

Today we are looking at compound and run-on sentences.

Compound sentences are made by connecting two simple sentences together with a conjunction. (For, and, but, or, so)

Example: Tom arrived home. Then he ate dinner. BECOMES: Tom arrived home AND he ate dinner.

run-on sentence: Are sentences that carry on for to long with out being connected properly.

Example:We were running all day and then it started to get dark so we could not reach the town but we kept running hoping that we would reach the town before it got to late.


Our First Definition is:

Descriptive Writing:  Is use to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. Capturing an event through descriptive writing involves paying close attention to the details by using all of your five senses.

Use your descriptive writing to describe the following picture I will choose a few to share with the class. 

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