Thursday 2 November 2017

Blog Post #3 Bucket List

Your task is to create your own bucket list (3-5 things) and post it to google classroom  Please describe why you chose each item and insert an image.  Here is the beginning of mine.  Next week you will present your bucket list to the class.

Success Criteria:

Topic Sentence

Proof: Explain what 

Give a personal connection: explain why

Concluding Sentence. 

3-5 things. 

Correct Spelling and Grammar

Complete a Spartan Race Ultra Beast

Image result for spartan ultra beast

42.195 Kilometers or 26 miles and 385 yards up and down mountains and ski hills! With over 60 climbing, jumping, swimming, carrying and obstacles to conquer.  To give you some perspective, the distance from our school to the Air Canada Center is about 41 Kilometers.  The Ultra Beast is one of the most challenging obstacle course races in the world you have to make it  to a check point every two hours or risk being kicked out of the race.  It is a great individual test of physical and mental ability to keep going and not give up a real challenge and a lot of fun if you have been running for sometime like I have. I know it will be a lot of work to get back there especially after my hip injury but I am excited to keep trying. 

Image result for england

2. Visit England and The British Isles-  My wife and I have always wanted to travel to England and the British isles. We have always wanted to go there as it is where both of our families are from historically. We also never got a honeymoon after getting married and are hoping we can do this before we have kids to say that we have traveled somewhere else in the world together.    


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


You have used dynamic oral literacy
skills to communicate your ideas.

  • Spoke fluently, with expression and proper volume

  • choice of items are well explained and justified


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