Wednesday 29 November 2017

To do Nov 29th

1. Instagram story- Dec 8th
2. Hatchet Discussion Cp. 7-9- Tuesday
Discussion Director Role
3. Work Signed

Narrative Lesson #5: Exaggeration

Today we are going to be looking at a special type of Exaggeration Called Hyperbole.

A Hyperbole: is an extreme exaggeration. 

Example: It was so cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets.  I have told you a million times! He is as skinny as a tooth pick!


Today in grammar we are looking at perfect verb tenses. A perfect verb describes an action that happened or will happen at an indefinite time. This tense is formed by using the words have or has, had or will have with a verb. 


Present Perfect Tense: We have lived here for years. 
Past Perfect Tense: We had lived there for years. Future 
Perfect Tense: In June, we will have lived here for 10 years.

Using Hyperbole tell what happened in one of these pictures:

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Todo Nov 28th

1. Math quiz tomorrow- Please bring home your study sheets
2. Hatchet Cp. 7-9 discussion Friday
3. Instagram Story- Dec 8th
4. Work Signed. 

Monday 27 November 2017

To do Nov 27th

1. Math review. - Due tomorrow 
2. Math Quiz- Wed
3. Hatchet Discussion- Cp. 4-6
4. Instagram Story- Dec 8th
5. School cash online for those in the musical. 

Instagram Story Esperanza Rising

Today you will be creating an Instagram story for one of the following characters from Esperanza Rising. Esperanza, Miguel, Mom, Tio Luis.

For an example please see our class created story on Grandma.

Success Criteria:

- Use pictures and words to describe events
- Uses google slides effectively
- 4-8 main events

- Speaks from the characters point of view
- Uses pictures to show some of the themes of the novel
- Locations and main events are clear

- Pictures focus on key events
- Labels and hashtags are original and related to the story
- Key events are in order and easy to follow

- Pictures make it easy to understand characters point of view.
- Project and pictures are original show a connection to the book.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Thursday 23 November 2017

To do Nov 23rd

1. Hatchet Discussion Tuesday
2. Grammar- Simile and metaphor
3. Math practice Q: 1,2
4. My love of music Monday.
5. Social Studies- Monday

Narrative Lesson #4

Today our Grammar work and our Part of Speech are the same thing. 

They are both......

Metaphors and Similes!

Metaphors: metaphors directly state a comparison—“Love is a battlefield.”

Similes: Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.”

Metaphor and Simile Quiz

Measurement #4 Linear Measurement

Definition: When you measure the length, width, height, thickness or depth of an object you are measuring a Linear Dimension. 

What would you use to measure the following book? What unit of measurement would you use? MM, CM, DM, M, KM? Why?

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Math lesson from today

Here are some of the things we talked about today you will find your math hw on google classroom.

To do Nov 22nd

1. Hatchet Discussion Tuesday
2. Grammar work tomorrow
3. Math text book page 312-313, Q 4,5,7,8
4. My love of music Monday
5. social studies test- tomorrow (some of the class)
6. Progress reports. 

Measurement: Relating Units of Measure

Today we are looking at how move a decimal to find the relationship between different units of measurement.

Here are some base rules to help you solve the problems on the white board.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

To do Nov 21st

1. My love of music- Due Monday
2. Hatchet chapters 4-6 Discussion Tuesday
3. Read (Hatchet) 
4. Parent Teacher Interviews (Thursday/Friday)
5. P.a. Day Friday

Measurement: Non Standard Unit

Today we are looking at Non-Standard Units. 

Add this definition to your Definition Page:

Non Standard Unit: Units not typically used to measure that may not have exact distances. 

Come up with a list of ten non standard units. Be ready to share them with the class. 

Solve this when done:

Monday 20 November 2017

To do Nov 20th

1. Hatchet roles for discussion- Due tomorrow
2. My Love of Music Due Monday
3. Get Learning Skills Signed
4. Parent Teacher Interviews- Thursday and Friday 

Introduction to Measurment

We are going to be starting out Measurement Unit this week!

On your desk you will find a definition page. Please copy in the following on to your definition page and write and example.

Perimeter: A continuous line forming a boundary or edge.

Area: The surface of a piece of land or object.

Width: The measurement of something from side to side.

Length: The measurement of something from end to end.

Themes in Literature

Themes in Literature

What is the central idea or underlying messages of a book or piece of text?

Themes are rarely stated in the book, instead the reader must consider the plot, characters, setting to infer themes

For example, think about the Topic and Theme of the classic story Cinderella.
If you are describing the TOPIC, you might say it is a story about a poor girl who marries a

But if you are describing the THEME, it could be described as an example of karma or good
things happening to good people.

What is the theme in:

Tortoise and the Hare ?????

Wizard of Oz???????

What are some themes we might see in Esperanza Rising?

Narrative Writing #3

Part of Speech:

Personification: Giving human or animal characteristics to something that is not human.


1. Lightning danced across the sky.
2. The cake was calling Ameen's name
3. My Alarm clock yells at me every morning.

Describe the following pictures using personification

Grammar: Commas today we are going to look at and discuss some rules for commas! 

One Final Rule!

if you want to put ( ),  because it is an add on to your sentence or a different thought put commas in the () place instead. One where each bracket would go.

Example: The other day I was hanging out with Robbie, Dave was there too, and we were playing tag.

Friday 17 November 2017

To do List:

1. Social Studies Test- Monday 
2. Interjections- Monday
3. Reading log- Monday
4. Hatchet Discussion- Tuesday (Cp. 1-3)
5. My Love of Music- Due  Nov 27th
6. Have a great weekend. 
7. Learning Skills Signed 

Our Schedule For Reading Hatchet.

Below is our general schedule. Please make sure that you put your role in for each reading day on your copy of the schedule shared with you on google classroom. 

Nov 21st
Nov 23rd
Nov 28th
Dec 1st
Dec 5th
Dec 8th
Dec 12th
Dec 13th
Pages Read.
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 19- Epilogue
Book Done.
My Role

Important Work
What is conflict?


Major Events. 
Final Project.

Note: The Final Project will Be about survival. You will have from December 13th- 21st to work on it.

Hatchet Online

Click the link below to get a full copy of Hatchet Posted online for reading.

Hatchet Full Text

Blog Post 4: My Love of Music

Learning Goal:  To create a visual representation of your "Love of Music"

Success Criteria:

  • Original/Creative/You've made it your own (This is the most important one)
  • Organized
  • Use images/text/other forms of media
  • Conventions (grammar/spelling/punctuation)
  • Choices are explained and justified

Your goal is to represent your "Love of Music".  This may include favorite artists, lyrics, radio stations, songs, genres of music, instruments you play......etc...

Thursday 16 November 2017

To do Nov 16th

1. Interjections - Due Monday
2. Social Studies Test- Monday

Narrative Writing # 2

Part of Speech

Today we are going to be looking at Colorful Language.

Colorful Language: Words that help at punch or texture to a story.

The goal with colorful language is to take a word you know and make it as impressive or eye catching as possible.

Describe the Following Picture with Colorful Language


Today we will be looking at Interjections.

Interjection: An interjection is a word that expresses emotion, such as anger, sadness or joy. An interjection can stand alone and is followed by punctuation.
1. “Wow! That rollercoaster was so much fun!

In the 1st sentence, the word Wow expresses excitement, followed by an exclamation point.

2. “Wow, that test wasn’t too hard. In the 2nd sentence, the emotion is not as strong when followed by a comma.

In the 2nd sentence, the emotion is not as strong when followed by a comma.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

To do Nov 15th

1. Math checkpoint tomorrow- Finding the missing variable, double switch, word problem
2. Grammar page due tomorrow. 

Tuesday 14 November 2017

To do Nov 14th

1. Novel Study Practice Discussion Tomorrow
2. Grammar Page- Due Thursday
3. Math algebra sheets 
4. Math check point thursday

Narrative Writing #1

We will be starting our unit on Narrative Writing or Short Stories Today.

Our first Nine Lessons Will focus on two main items: Parts of Speech to practice our writing skills and

Parts of Speech
Each day we will add a new definition for our narrative writing unit and Practice our writing skills.

Your definition sheet will go in your green doutang.

Finally we will be looking at a part of speech and grammar as well. You will get a work sheet to practice.

Today we are looking at compound and run-on sentences.

Compound sentences are made by connecting two simple sentences together with a conjunction. (For, and, but, or, so)

Example: Tom arrived home. Then he ate dinner. BECOMES: Tom arrived home AND he ate dinner.

run-on sentence: Are sentences that carry on for to long with out being connected properly.

Example:We were running all day and then it started to get dark so we could not reach the town but we kept running hoping that we would reach the town before it got to late.


Our First Definition is:

Descriptive Writing:  Is use to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. Capturing an event through descriptive writing involves paying close attention to the details by using all of your five senses.

Use your descriptive writing to describe the following picture I will choose a few to share with the class. 

Monday 13 November 2017

To do List Nov 13th

1. Novel study practice discussion Wed
2. Math work sheet
3. Math checkpoint Thursday
4. Read. 

Intro to Novel Study Roles

We will be using the short story you read over the weekend to practice our roles for the Novel Study. Below I have posted the roles for the group discussion.

You will find the roles and your groups on the google classroom.

Today we will be discussing our roles before you get a chance to re-read looking for information for your role while reading.

Writing Equations

Today we will be looking at writing our own equations. First though we are going to practice some of what we already know! Start your day by logging onto Kahoot and putting in the code below.

Please have your math homework out to be checked by Catherine P and your signed test by Angela.

Please put your reading logs into the white bin. 


Sunday 12 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017

To do Nov 10th

1. Algebra practice sheet
2. Read the short story for Monday.
3. Make sure your blog post is submitted.
4. Have a good weekend!

Algebra: Solving Variable Problems

We can use algebra to solve problems where we do not know the values or to find the answers to questions using an inverse relationship.

With your table group come up with an algebraic equation for the following question. 

Mr, Hussey is selling poppies. Through out the week he sells 43 poppies. He only has 14 remaining. How many poppies did Mr. Hussey have at the beginning of the week?

Thursday 9 November 2017

To do Nov 9th

1. Math equations sheet
2. Blog post due tomorrow
3. Unit test signed
4. Read
5. Make sure your work is submitted to the google classroom or my hand in bin by 3:30. (Reflection) 

Remembrance Day: Peace is to me

Today we are going to discuss remembrance day and do an activity to show what peace is to you.

What Peace is to Me

By Mr.Hussey

Peace means a lot to a lot of different people. For some it can be escaping a country where war rages or being able to walk down the street with out fear of gun shots. For me thanks to my grandfather peace is a lot simpler. Peace to me is being able to wake up in my own house, to go to work and to come home. In the summer to see a sunset or in the winter to be able to go and play in the snow. Peace to me is being able to be safe where I live everyday, it is living without fear. That is peace to me.

You may write a paragraph, a poem, do words that you associate with peace. Put pictures and words together. Your job is to find a way to show what peace is to you. You will be doing a rough copy and a good copy on card stock.

Algebra Comparing Equations

Look at the following two equations:

8xS = 48 

Px6= 60 

Now come up with your own equations and see if a desk partner can solve them!

We will now look at the following work sheet. 

Wednesday 8 November 2017

To do Nov 8th

1. Good Copy of your reflection due tomorrow- Please either submit on google classroom or by hand tomorrow.
2. Presenting our blog posts on Friday
3. Remembrance Day Friday.
4. Soc Test- Tomorrow.
5. Indoor Shoes.
6. Grade 5 volleyball tryout tomorrow at lunch.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

To do Nov 7th

1. Good copy of Maze Reflection Due Thursday
2. Blog post due Friday
3. Author Presentation Thursday
4. Remembrance Day Assembly Friday
5. Soc Test: Thursday Chapters 1 and 2

Writing Equations With Varibles

Mr. Hussey Buys 30  Pokemon cards over the weekend. His wife is upset with him for spending the money. Each Pokemon card cost $3. What is the total cost?

What would this Algebraic Equation look like?

What if each Pokemon card were 8 dollars?

Monday 6 November 2017

To do Nov 6th 2017

1. Rough copy of reflection due tomorrow
2. Blog post due Friday
3. Author presentations Thursday
4. Soc Test Thursday Cp 1-2

Algebra: Varibles

A variable is a letter or symbol that is able to assume different numerical values. 

Example: 13 + n = 20 

Gary Paulsen: Hatchet Author

Today we are going to be learning about Gary Paulsen the author of Hatchet.

After watching the following video you and your table group will have one of the following questions to answer about Gary to share with the rest of the class.

1. Who he is

2. How Many books he wrote/What they were about (choose 5)

3. Where he is from and what his life was like growing up. and  Why might he be interested in survival?

In your groups use the following links to answer your question. Remember to read them all to get all the information you can!

Saturday 4 November 2017

Saturday Riddle

A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender pulls out a gun and points it at him. The man says, "Thank you," and walks out. Why?

Solve for Monday :)

Friday 3 November 2017

Missing Work

If your work is missing please have signed for Monday.

To do Nov 3rd

1. Rough copy reflection due Tuesday for conferencing
2. Blog Post, Bucket List Due Friday
3. Work Signed
4. Book and reading signed for Monday. 

Algebra: Math Riddle and First Two Terms

We are now starting algebra. Algebra is the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formula and equations that are missing. 

Puzzle for you to solve:

A man walks into a store and steals a $100 bill. 5 Minutes later he returns to the store and buys items worth $70. He pays with the bill he had stolen, he gets $30 in change. How much did the store owner lose?

Expression: A mathematical phrase that can contain numbers and variables. a+1 or 23+30

Equality: Having the same amount or value. 60 seconds = 1 minute.  

Thursday 2 November 2017

To Do Nov 2nd 2017

1. Read over Reflection Rubric. On Google Classroom.
2. Get work signed (if not you will be in at recess tomorrow)
3. Start Blog Post- Bucket List Due next Friday.

Blog Post #3 Bucket List

Your task is to create your own bucket list (3-5 things) and post it to google classroom  Please describe why you chose each item and insert an image.  Here is the beginning of mine.  Next week you will present your bucket list to the class.

Success Criteria:

Topic Sentence

Proof: Explain what 

Give a personal connection: explain why

Concluding Sentence. 

3-5 things. 

Correct Spelling and Grammar

Complete a Spartan Race Ultra Beast

Image result for spartan ultra beast

42.195 Kilometers or 26 miles and 385 yards up and down mountains and ski hills! With over 60 climbing, jumping, swimming, carrying and obstacles to conquer.  To give you some perspective, the distance from our school to the Air Canada Center is about 41 Kilometers.  The Ultra Beast is one of the most challenging obstacle course races in the world you have to make it  to a check point every two hours or risk being kicked out of the race.  It is a great individual test of physical and mental ability to keep going and not give up a real challenge and a lot of fun if you have been running for sometime like I have. I know it will be a lot of work to get back there especially after my hip injury but I am excited to keep trying. 

Image result for england

2. Visit England and The British Isles-  My wife and I have always wanted to travel to England and the British isles. We have always wanted to go there as it is where both of our families are from historically. We also never got a honeymoon after getting married and are hoping we can do this before we have kids to say that we have traveled somewhere else in the world together.    


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


You have used dynamic oral literacy
skills to communicate your ideas.

  • Spoke fluently, with expression and proper volume

  • choice of items are well explained and justified


Wednesday 1 November 2017

To do

1. Show parents newsletter
2. Get our work signed
3. Book to read.