Friday 1 September 2017

Group Challanges

Challenge One: Drop the Golf Ball

  1. Each group has 30 straws, 100 cm of masking tape and a golf ball.
  2. The goal is to build a container that will catch a golf ball dropped from about ten feet. Your group will have 25 minutes to design and build your container.
  3. Each group selects a “ball dropper” who stands on a table and hold the golf ball at eye level.
  4. Each team places its container on the floor under where they think the ball will land.
  5. Each group gets three attempts and the group that gets a ball to go into their container and stay wins.

Challenge Two:

1. The class will be dived in to two groups. 

2. you will each get a marble and set of tubes. 

3. Your Job is to move the marble down the hallway without it hitting the ground. 

4. You may not fling the marbel, move with the marble in your tube, move your feet while the marble is in your tube, or use any other object or body part to stop or move the marble. 

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