Friday 29 September 2017

To do Sept 29th

1. Textbook questions (photo copy) 1,4,5,6
2.Journal Questions Chapter 3 ( Start writing so we can discuss and edit as a class)
3. Show your parents your marks and get them signed. 

Esperanza Rising Chapter 3: Los Higos Journal Questions

Please answer all of these questions in paragraph form using A.P.E.C. (Answer, Proof, Example, Conclusion)

1. Summary: In your own words please tell what has happened so far in the story. Please include important settings, characters and details.

2. Predictions: What do you think life will be like for Esperanza ? Why do you think this, what have you seen or heard in your own life that makes you think so?

3. Last week we created a Tableau of what took place in the office when Tio Luis offered to buy the house. Write what this experience was like for Esperanza, was she sad, happy, upset etc. Prove what you are saying by telling me what was happening in the book as well as in your Tableau pictures.

Terry Fox: Answering Questions

Tomorrow at school we are doing the Terry Fox Run. After you watch this video use APEC to answer the following question:

On his run across Canada Terry Fox sacrificed a lot for Canadians. What is one thing that Terry sacrificed? How do you know?

Thursday 28 September 2017

Our Terry Fox Paragraph

This is the class example we came up with for answering questions in paragraph format. This is a B level work. For an A level you need more then one example as well as personal connections.

Mr. H

Terry Fox September 28th 2017

Terry Fox sacrificed his life to run across Canada for cancer research. I know this because he died while running. In the movie it showed Terry needing to stop to go to the hospital because his cancer had returned. This is how I know Terry Fox sacrificed his life.

To do Sept 28th 2017

1. Parent Teacher Night
2. Terry Fox Run Tomorrow
3. Finish math from class
4. Finnish your Terry Fox Paragraph.


Today we are going to look at how to answer Questions in Paragraph Format. 

First in your topic sentence- Answer the question

In your first support  sentence-  Give Proof for your answer

In your second support sentence - Give an example to support your proof

In your conclusion- re-state your answer in a new way.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Todo Sept 27

1. Toonie for Terry
2.My love of Reading
3.Meet the Teacher. 
4. Assembly Tomorrow.
5. Terry Fox Run Friday

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Todo Sept 26th

1. Toonie for Terry
2. My love of reading presentation tomorrow
3.Tableau presentation Tomorrow
4. We are visiting the book fair tomorrow after recess.

Friday 22 September 2017

To do Sept 22nd

1. My Love of Reading Presentations Tuesday
2. Math Checkpoint- Tuesday

    1. Standard form
    2. Expanded form
    3. Rouding
    4. Ordering Numbers
    5. Problem solving.
3. P.A. Day Monday
4. Bring a Toonie for Terry - Terry Fox run Friday
5. Tableau presentations - Wednesday

Thursday 21 September 2017

To do Sept 21

1. Journal #2 due tomorrow
2. My Love of Reading due tomorrow
3. PA day Monday.

Paragraph: Supporting Sentences

Paragraph Rule # 3 Supporting Sentence: a supporting sentence supports the idea made in the topic sentence. Supporting sentences include concrete details, commentaries, facts, examples, opinions, and analyses. Include as many supporting sentences as necessary, but not more than you need.
There are two main types of supporting sentences:
Facts: are know to be true and have sources to prove what you are saying.
Opinion: is what you believe and want others to as well.

  • Example Supporting Sentence (Fact): Lebron James has won four league MVPs, two Finals MVP, and an Olympic gold medal.

  • Example Supporting Sentence (Opinion): Lebron’s gold medal Olympic performance capped off one of the greatest years in the history of the sport.

Math Morning

As a group come up with a way to solve each question without using borrowing/carrying. You must come up with the exact right answer. No estimating!

1. 137 + 298

2. 223+264

3. 2180+6432

4. 2625+432

Estimating and Mental Math

From today's lesson if you need to remember ... :)

When estimating round to the nearest large whole number you can handle mentally quickly.  If that is hundreds go to that number nearest 10's go there 50's go there. But you want to be as close as possible to the actual answer.

Remember if you see the word ABOUT it means to estimate.

Eg 95+52 you could do 100 +50 no need to go to 100 for the 50.

Friendly Numbers:
Mentally adding: One thing you can do is make a friendly number 137+298 make 298 into 300 and 137 into 135. You will get the same answer but easier numbers to add.

No Extras
223+ 264
Recognize no number will carry then add down the line.

For 2180+6432 you can move the numbers around to make ones that are easier to add in your head. But keep in mind if you do it to one number then you have to do the opposite to the other.
Eg 2180+20=2200
And 6432-20=6412
It is then a lot easier to add 2200 and 6412 down the line.

Counting on

For 2625 + 432 you can count on. Start with the Ones column 5+2=7 then the Tens. 3+2 =5 then the Hundreds 4+6 =10 take you extra and add it to the thousands. 2+1 =3 and you get 3057.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Magic School Bus

For all the Magic School Bus Fans in the class who ask for it at lunch time.

They are re-launching the show!

Sept 20th Todo.

Sorry about the late post I put this on the grade one website today by accident.

1. Journal #2 due Friday (we will have a work period on Friday to finish)
2. Love of reading due Friday
3. Math questions from today in class.

Esperanza Rising: Tableau Success Criteria

Esperanza Rising: Tableau Story


Review pages 30–32 in the text. As a group, you will be reenacting this scene. If you have three members in your group, you can have a Mama, a lawyer, and a Tío Luis. If there are four of you, the fourth can be Esperanza. Your job is to create three frozen tableau images of the scene giving us a clear beginning middle and end. Choose the most important images and bring them to life.

Looking for:

3 clear images.

Clear characters.

Emotions of each character.

Silent transitions.

Levels where appropriate.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

To do: Sept 19th

1. Journal questions chapter 2 due Friday. 

2. Math Q 9-12. 

3. Read

Topic Sentance

Topic sentence: Sentence that tells the reader what your paragraph will be about.

Example: Lebron James is recognized as the NBA’s most dominant player today.

Short and easy to understand. No mystery in your topic sentence.

Bad example: Basketball is a very popular sport aroudn the world and a lot of people play it, Lebron James is a good Basketball player.

(here we are not sure exactly what the topic is and a lot of words are used.)

Short and easy to understand. No mystery in your topic sentence.

Indented to start each new paragraph.

A new topic sentence means a new idea.

Good or bad?

Grapes are a fruit. 

I like to think I am the fastest man in the world and here is why. 

In this paragraph I am going to talk about why Lebron James is the best basketball player today. 

Chapter 2: Las Papayas (Papayas) Journal Questions

1. What does the word oppression mean? Who is being oppressed in this chapter and how do you know this?

2. Why do you think Tio Luis wants the house as well as the land. What are his goals? Use proof from what you have heard during the story.

3. Choose Either Espernza, Tio Luis or Mama. Draw a picture of them OR describe them as you picture them in your mind.

Debate: Cats vs Dogs

What is better cats or dogs? or maybe even other? This is our four corners debate for this week!

Rounding Rules!

Rounding: your goal is to round to the nearest digit so all digits following it are  zero.

The target digit is the digit you are aiming to round.  When rounding all the numbers after the target become zero.

For numbers 5 and greater you round the number up. So the target digit goes up one.

4 and less you round the number down. The target digit stays the same.

Let's work with the number


Round to the nearest 1000

The next number is a three so the two stays as it is. And is followed by three zeros. 2000

To the nearest hundred
The two stays
The three becomes and 4 because 7 is 5 or greater.

The 7 and the one become zeros.

Friday 15 September 2017

To do Sept 15th

1. Journal Questions for chapter 1 due Monday.

Ways of representing Whole Numbers

Ways of Representing Whole Numbers

Standard: Writing the number as it appears when punched into a calculator or device. 

Expanded : Writing the number to show the full value of each digit. 

Written: Writing the number in words. 

Remember each number has a place value: 4526


Thursday 14 September 2017

School Rules

A fun way to remember our class rules.

To do Sept 14th

1. Bring a book to read for tomorrow. 

Journal Questions Chapter 1 1924/LasUvas (grapes)

Answer questions 1-3 in full paragraphs please. 

1. Why do families have traditions and rituals? (What purpose do they serve in society?)

2. On page 14, Esperanza’s grandmother recounts a saying to Esperanza: “No hay rosas sin espinas. There is no rose without thorns.” What does she mean by this? Do you agree or disagree? Develop some examples where this may be true or not true.

3. Do members of your family have quotes or sayings that they like to recount? What are they? What do they say about life? Do you agree or disagree with them?

4. The beginning if this story takes place in Aguascalientes Mexico. Google this place and tell me one fact that you found out about it.

5. Find and write the definition of irony.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

To do Sept 13th

1. Math all about me due tomorrow

2. Journal Questions before reading due tomorrow. 

Paragraph: Ideas

Paragraph Rule #1: The Idea you are writing about in your paragraph needs to be big enough that you can write 3-5 sentences about it but small enough that you can't talk forever about it. 

- Each new idea gets a new paragraph. 

Example: Lebron James is the best Basketball player today. 

This idea is large enough that I can talk more about it but not so big that I am comparing him to all the basketball players who have ever played. 

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Todo Sept 12th

Math all about me- Due Thursday.

Journal Questions- Due Thursday.

Four Corners Debate: How Can we help

This week our debate will be on how we can help those who have been affected by hurricane Irma.

Esperanza Rising life Changes and Journal Questions

Esperanza, the main character in Esperanza Rising, turns thirteen at the beginning of the novel. On the day before her thirteenth birthday, Esperanza’s entire life changes. When the teenage years officially begin at age thirteen, children are sometimes given certain privileges associated with approaching adulthood or are expected to take on new responsibilities. This tradition is called coming-of-age. Many novels that you will read during the next few years will address this theme of growing up and learning to respond like an adult. There are other things that can change people’s lives, though. Experiences like making a new friend who introduces you to new ideas, foods, or experiences; getting a new job; experiencing a family tragedy; and moving to a new town or country all change people’s lives drastically.

You will have the chance to fill out this life changing events chart on your own about events in your own life.  We will then share and make a group chart as a class on google classroom.

JOURNAL QUESTIONS- To be answered before we read Chapter 1. 

1. What do you value most in life? If you could only choose three valuable items, what would be on your list?
2. If someone is different from you, is it okay to treat them differently? Why or why not?

Our First Read Aloud

Our First Read Aloud of The Year Will Be....

What thoughts do you have looking at this book? What might it be about?

Made with Padlet

Friday 8 September 2017

Thick Vs Thin Questions

Here are some of the questions the class came up with as we watched the video. Who can explain the difference between thin and thick questions?


What year is that?

How much is Baht worth in Canadian dollars?

Why was the doctors expenses free?

How did the boy become a doctor 30 years later when he wasn't that wealthy? 

What happened to the man that fell?

What happened to the boys mother after?

How did the boy remember that it was them?

·      Thin questions: Questions that we can find the answer to.    

Thick Questions: More challenging questions. Often only know by one person. Take some guess work based off of the information we already have. 

Thursday 7 September 2017

To do Sept 7th

1. Fill in forms on blog. Last Chance before I call home. 
2.Bring book to read for tomorrow!
3. What I Didn't do Over the Summer- If not done. 

My Reading History

Reading History blog post

Learning Goal:  

  • To create a visual representation of your "Reading History"

Success Criteria:
  • Original/Creative/You've made it your own (this is the most important one!)
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 8 significant texts in your reading history (remember texts don't have to be books) and why they were important to you

This is a level 3 example; level 4 will stand out from the crowd. Be original!

Get To Know Me


Maybe you’ve have had an action-packed summer. Perhaps you climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro or attended the World Cup in Brazil.  
Then again, I suspect some of you will say "I didn't do anything exciting".   In that case, this writing task is designed for you.
Please don’t bore your reader with actual events. Don’t talk about going to Turtle Jacks for lunch or longboarding down Rolling Hill Road. 
Tell a story about what didn’t really happen. My guess is what didn’t happen could be much more interesting than what did.
Make it up. Be creative. Be funny if you want to. It’s your first writing task of the school year.  Relax and have fun with it.

On Google drive, create a document called "What I Didn't Do over Summer Vacation" and Make sure you share it with me!

All About Me Math

Math Assignment- All about me

Learning Goal:  Your task is to create an "All about me" collage using numbers and operations.  You can complete this task as a hard copy or digitally.  Below is an example that I created.  I used a template within Pic Collage. Poster my wall also works well.

Success Criteria
  • Accurate
  • Original / Creative use of numbers
  • Effective use of Colour
  • Organized
  • At least 5 facts

Presentations begin:

  1. Go to, click the ‘Student Login’ button and enter the project name, "All About Me Math".
  2. Go to and create a new design.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button to save your design.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

To do Sept 6th

1. Fill in the forms on the blog
2. Bring a book to read
3. Name Tag

Google Classroom!

Good news everyone! Our google classroom is fixed! to log on click on the link and enter the number you see on the White Board!

Our Golden Rule

In our class we have only one rule: Mutual Respect what does this mean to you?

Everyone has something that bothers them. For the next few minutes we are going to find out what bothers you. This can be in our out of school. No put downs are allowed Think about your pet peeves. Be honest and be ready to say why. You can say it to me or you can submit it anonymously I just want to get to know all of you. 
Made with Padlet

Tuesday 5 September 2017


1. Show parents blog fill in forms on blog.
2. Bring in $5 for agenda.
3. Fill in forms in brown envelope. 

Monday 4 September 2017

Taking Breaks

Remember as we get going in this school year that breaks are important to take to help keep the brain happy and healthy!

Why breaks are good for you

Saturday 2 September 2017

What Every Teacher Should Know About Me

Please fill this in tonight while you show your parents our blog. -Mr. H

Parent Contact Information

Parent Contact Information

Welcome to our classroom blog. 

This will be my primary means of communicating with you about what is happening in the class each day. On the top right corner of the page, you can subscribe to our blog and receive a daily email between 3 and 5 pm directly to your email. Before the students leave at the end of the day, the students and I will complete a blog entry indicating all homework, upcoming assignments, and important events happening at our school. Agendas will not be mandatory in my class this year. My hope is that between home and school we can develop a plan that will work for the individual student. 

Please be aware that we are also going to be using google classroom to schedule work on and hand in assignments. The more trees and less "I forgot it at school or home" the better. Google Classroom allows students and their parents to get calendars with due dates, rubrics, work examples and much more at home and on the go. In our class we will use technology to expand our minds not escape from work that needs to be done. 

On the blog and/or our google classroom I will be posting a great deal of useful information, such as:
  • homework assignments
  • assessment information (how work is being marked)
  • learning goals for literacy and math
  • links to provide students with extra practice
  • texts (videos, readings etc.) for students to enrich class discussions and activities 
  • links to all online tools we will be using in class

I will use Blogger for my daily instructions, and Google Classroom as my main way of assigning and collecting work. For big ideas, daily to-do's and over views of assignments check out the blog. For assignments, how work will be assessed, comments/edits, daily discussions and nitty gritty please check Google Classroom.

I would also like to compile email addresses for the parents/guardians in the class, so that I can occasionally send out group emails about important events, projects, etc. You can click on the link below to fill in the contact information of up to two people for each student:

If you need to contact me, my board email address or call the school at 905-292-0530 (email is probably the most reliable if you looking for a timely response).

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. I'm looking forward to a great year!

Friday 1 September 2017

Group Challanges

Challenge One: Drop the Golf Ball

  1. Each group has 30 straws, 100 cm of masking tape and a golf ball.
  2. The goal is to build a container that will catch a golf ball dropped from about ten feet. Your group will have 25 minutes to design and build your container.
  3. Each group selects a “ball dropper” who stands on a table and hold the golf ball at eye level.
  4. Each team places its container on the floor under where they think the ball will land.
  5. Each group gets three attempts and the group that gets a ball to go into their container and stay wins.

Challenge Two:

1. The class will be dived in to two groups. 

2. you will each get a marble and set of tubes. 

3. Your Job is to move the marble down the hallway without it hitting the ground. 

4. You may not fling the marbel, move with the marble in your tube, move your feet while the marble is in your tube, or use any other object or body part to stop or move the marble. 

First Day Checklist

  • timetables
  • Storage/Seating
  • Blog and Google Classroom -Show to your parents
  • homework/agendas
  • textbooks/google docs (sharing your work with me)
  • Recess/Lunch routines
  • Shared space/Class jobs
  • Entry/Exit/Fire Procedures
  • Personal devices (iPods/iPhones/iPads/laptops) (how we use technology)
  • Questions/concerns
  • get to know you's
  • Welcome Back

    Welcome Back!

    I am excited to work with all of you and to be back at Moraine Hills! This year I will be teaching Grade 4/5 in the morning and Grade 1 in the afternoon. This past summer was a different one for me, normally I spend my summers outside hiking, canoeing, gardening, and training for obstacle course races or CrossFit Competitions. Due however to a hip injury and pec tear I had to spend a good amount of my summer resting a relaxing. This allowed me to focus more on coaching others and get a head start on my year long obsession with reading. I was able to read "Haunted", "What If", "Shi-shi-etko" and "Becoming a Supple Leopard" among others. I also spent a little more time playing Zelda Breath of the Wild then I should admit. 

    Since I will be learning about you I thought it would be only fair if you learn something about me.  I was born in Nobleton and have spent 24 of my 26 years living there. I am the youngest of two  children having only an older sister.  As a child  my largest influences were nature,  Batman,  I currently own over 100 Batman graphic novels, and of course sports. My biggest influence during my teenage years were my experiences at camp. From working at a summer camp, I discovered I wanted to be a teacher and I loved spending time in the great outdoors. Most of my down time right now is either spent learning all I can about being a teacher or working on my hip recovery so I can get back to Crossfit and all the sports I love.

    Our class quote for the year is "I am going to do today what others are not willing to so I can do tomorrow what others can't". For me nothing beats hard work whether in the classroom, the gym or anything you are interested in I am always looking for your best effort, Lets make the next 200 days great!

    How We Will Use Technology In This Class