Thursday 22 March 2018

Movie Adaptation and DVD/Book Cover Assignment

Movie Adaptation DVD Cover or Book Cover

Part 1:

After carefully considering the changes made to the book when it was adapted to its film version, choose one of these two projects to communicate your response to the movie.

Option One: Book Cover

When a book is made into a movie, publishers often re-publish the book and replace its old cover art with that of the film. In other words, they hope the movie’s success will help sell the book. You will be creating a new cover that is a little different and uses quotes, images, themes and important moments from the book to put on the new book cover.  

Option Two: Reader’s cut

After a film or DVD is released, companies sometimes also release a “Director’s Cut,” a version of the movie that is closer to the director’s vision of the film than was actually released in theaters. In this project, you’ll take on the assignment of producing a cover for a “Reader’s Cut,” in which you will use text and images to show how you would improve the regular release. Select quotes, images, themes and important moments from the book to put on the Director's Cut DVD cover.

Things you could decorate your cover with
·      Draw or print pictures that represent Ideas, moments and concepts from the book.
·      Inspirational quotes.
·      Newspaper clippings.
·      Descriptions of things they might have seen.
·      Items they might have come across used or found on their journey.
·      Photographs.
·      Anything that might be important to them in some way.

Part 2:

You will be writing a letter from Meg, Calvin, or Charles Wallace's point of view about the journey they just went on what what they plan to do next.  This should include all the parts. A Heading, Greeting, Body- what has been happening with you, why you are writing, what you want, Closing and signature.

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