Wednesday 18 October 2017

Gord Downie

For those of you who have not heard, who may not know him or have not heard of him Gord Downie Passed away this morning. He was a famous Canadian Poet, Singer, Sports Fan and Activist.

He spent his days singing and writing about all things Canadian and rocking out with the band The Tragically Hip. You may remember two summers ago in August when it seemed everyone stopped to watch a concert on T.V., at the local park or community center. This was the final concert the Tragically Hip, Gord's Band, were ever to play. It was six months after Gord had been diagnosed with brain cancer. I had the honor and privilege of being at that concert.

I wish now that when I had shown you the important to me I had taken the time to talk about Gord Downie and why he was important to me. I met Gord only once I took the day off of school and went down to Toronto to see a special concert that The tragically Hip were playing for free. That day I met him and he signed my album and told me my name had sweet sounds. We chatted for only a few minutes but he listened to every word I said.

As a kid I wanted nothing to do with music it was loud, confusing and it didn't make sense to me. Then I came across Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip lyrics, I would sit listen to the beauty of the words the poetry for hours. Gord with his music taught me about the power of words, the history of Canada and what love and passion look like. I don't know if without him myself a student with learning disability's would have made it through school, he showed me anything was possible if you put your mind to it. Gord loved every corner of this country he was a proud Canadian who sang about winter, hockey, Terry fox, The Canadian Shield and many other things and people Canadian. He also spent his free time fighting making sure everyone's rights were protected and if they lived here they felt like Canada was their home as well.

Brain cancer is an awful illness that slowly kills you and takes away your memory while it does so. There is no cure for it. Gord over time lost the memory of his song lyrics and the names of his family including his children and his wife. As his memory failed he would write down people names on the inside of his hand to remember who he was talking to. When you see me today you will see that I have the word Gord written on the inside of my own hand. This is a tribute to a great Canadian and hero and someone who was and still is very important to me.

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