Monday 2 October 2017

Blog Post #2 Important to Me

Important to Me

Learning Goal:  To present 3 to 5 important personal items, visually and in written form. Your writing must include the full paragraph like we have been working on in class. 

Success Criteria:
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 3-5 important items that you own
  • It’s clear you put some thought into your item selection
  • Post pictures with descriptions on why the objects are important to you
  • Paragraphs with: Topic Sentence, Supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.  
        Due date: 
        Here are a few examples from Mr. Hussey:

You may have a noticed a decorated hard hat sitting up on top of the shelves in my room. I've been surprised that no one has asked me about it. It is a hard hat that holds many memories for me. When I began university this hard hat was given to me as I was working back stage at the time putting up lights and building sets. Each time something new happened or I worked with a new person they added a picture to the hard hat for me. I keep it now as a reminder of all the people I met and the hard work I had to put in to get where I am today. 
This is Benny, he is my pet bird. I got Benny when he flew into my back yard when I was in grade seven, I remember putting up posters about a lost bird and trying to find his owner. Ever since then myself and Benny have been inseparable, he spends his days following me around the house, eating my dinner of my plate or just hanging out on my shoulder. Whereever I am in my house Benny goes there as well. My wife often jokes that I love him more then her and Benny comes first in my life.  

This is my wedding ring. If I didn't include this one I would be in trouble. It is a reminder of a promise I've made. It reminds me that I am very lucky to have my wife in my life. Sometimes I think about my wedding day and what an amazing day it was. The ring was passed onto me from my grandfather. It is the same ring that he wore his whole life.  I still remember when my wife put it on my finger and gave it a little tap.

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