Saturday 28 October 2017

Riddle: Solve For Monday

A man lives on the twelfth floor of an apartment building. Every morning he wakes up, gets dressed, eats, goes to the elevator, takes it down to the lobby, and leaves the building for work. In the evening, he goes through the lobby to the elevator, and, if there is someone else in the elevator (or if it was raining that day) he goes back to his floor directly. However, if there is nobody else in the elevator and it hasn't rained, he goes to the 10th floor and walks up two flights of stairs to his room. Why?

To do Oct 27th

1. Reading each day
2. Props for the maze Monday Final Building Day
3. Costumes for the maze Tuesday.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Indoor Shoe Time


I spent some time cleaning the mud off the floor today please make sure we are putting on indoor shoes thank you!

To do oct 26th

1. Math Unit Test Tomorrow

Tuesday 24 October 2017

To do oct 24th

1. Outdoor day Wed
2. Maze building starts wed.
3. Math; Q 2-5
4. Math unit test Friday
5. Work signed please.

Journal Questions #4

  1. Why do you think the author chooses to place a flashback here? What is the purpose of Hortensia’s story?

  1. When they board the train, Esperanza shows her prejudice towards people who are not as rich as she had been. Review pages 66-67. Find some examples of quotes that describe Esperanza’s feelings about being around the peasants.  Given the circumstances under which Esperanza was raised, do you think it is her fault that she feels this way?
  2. Being that Mama was rich before her husband died, how do you think she learned to be kind to people who didn’t have her fortune?

Monday 23 October 2017

To do Oct 23rd

1. Outdoor day Wed
2. Maze building starts wed.
3. Math; Q 2-5
4. Math unit test Friday
5. Work signed please.

Saturday 21 October 2017


On which weekday is it true that there are 4 days of the week starting with T?

Post your answers below


Your posters are awesome! Please make sure you have your names on them so I can give marks to the right people :)

Thursday 19 October 2017

To do Oct 19th

1. Read for 20 min each day
2. Get supplies and garbage bags for the maze. 
3. Make sure your poster is handed in. 
4. Get work signed!
5. Science test next week. 
6. PA day tomorrow

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Gord Downie

For those of you who have not heard, who may not know him or have not heard of him Gord Downie Passed away this morning. He was a famous Canadian Poet, Singer, Sports Fan and Activist.

He spent his days singing and writing about all things Canadian and rocking out with the band The Tragically Hip. You may remember two summers ago in August when it seemed everyone stopped to watch a concert on T.V., at the local park or community center. This was the final concert the Tragically Hip, Gord's Band, were ever to play. It was six months after Gord had been diagnosed with brain cancer. I had the honor and privilege of being at that concert.

I wish now that when I had shown you the important to me I had taken the time to talk about Gord Downie and why he was important to me. I met Gord only once I took the day off of school and went down to Toronto to see a special concert that The tragically Hip were playing for free. That day I met him and he signed my album and told me my name had sweet sounds. We chatted for only a few minutes but he listened to every word I said.

As a kid I wanted nothing to do with music it was loud, confusing and it didn't make sense to me. Then I came across Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip lyrics, I would sit listen to the beauty of the words the poetry for hours. Gord with his music taught me about the power of words, the history of Canada and what love and passion look like. I don't know if without him myself a student with learning disability's would have made it through school, he showed me anything was possible if you put your mind to it. Gord loved every corner of this country he was a proud Canadian who sang about winter, hockey, Terry fox, The Canadian Shield and many other things and people Canadian. He also spent his free time fighting making sure everyone's rights were protected and if they lived here they felt like Canada was their home as well.

Brain cancer is an awful illness that slowly kills you and takes away your memory while it does so. There is no cure for it. Gord over time lost the memory of his song lyrics and the names of his family including his children and his wife. As his memory failed he would write down people names on the inside of his hand to remember who he was talking to. When you see me today you will see that I have the word Gord written on the inside of my own hand. This is a tribute to a great Canadian and hero and someone who was and still is very important to me.

To do Oct 18th

1. Poster due tomorrow
2. Check point tomorrow
3. Work Signed
4. Science test?

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Band Word: Like

I have spent some time reading over your journals and Important to me paragraphs.

We are now banning the word like in our writing and presentations. 

Using the word like makes it sound like you are not sure what you are talking about.


"When we go to the game there were like ten seats left so we rushed to get one"


"When we go to the game there were ten seats left so we rushed to get one"


" This four leaf clover is like lucky"


" This four leaf clover is lucky"

If you are not sure what his words mean, take some time to google them or look them up in a dictionary. 

Monday 16 October 2017

To do: Oct 16th

1. Poster Due Thursday
2. Ad Due Wed
3. Math Check Point Thursday
4. Scientist in the school tomorrow
5. Science test on Wed

Friday 13 October 2017

To do Oct 13th

1. Set design and paragraphs due Monday.
2. Check point Tuesday. - Review due Monday. 
3.Bring in supplies for the maze.
4.Art- 3D tube art.

Thursday 12 October 2017

To do October 12

Math Practice Page Q 1,3,4
Math Check Point Tuseday Oct 17th.
Keep Bringing in maze props and costumes.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Halloween Maze Update

An update on what we have been doing in class and what is still to come!

1. We are now planning our sets- Due Monday
2. Please bring in garbage bags for our walls!
3. Start to bring in props please!

Next Week
1. Make our posters for advertising.
2. Make our script for what we are going to say when we go door to door to advertise.
3. Get into character.
4. Continue to bring in props and garbage bags.

World Burpee Day

October 12th is World Burpee Day! I hope you are as excited as I am!

To do Oct 11th

1. Important to Me Due tomorrow
2. Math text book page 66-67, 1 a, c,f,i, k, 3, 5, 6
3. Math Checkpoint Tuesday October 17th. 

Tuesday 10 October 2017

To do Oct 10th

1. Blog post due Thursday
2. Math practice questions 5,6,7
3. Math check point Oct 17th
4. Bring garbage bags please :)

Friday 6 October 2017

To do October 6th

1. Blog post: Important to me due Thursday
2. Math practice questions 1,2
3. Planning for the Maze. 
4. Practice times tables. 

Halloween Maze!

You’re invited!!!Haunted House, Halloween

What? Halloween Maze/Fall Festivities
Where? Mr. Hussey’s classroom- Portable 3
When? 9:30-12:00, Tuesday October 31st
Cost? A toonie for hurricane relief.

WARNING! This maze has strobe lights, creepy images, sounds, voices, and creatures that will JUMP out and scare you!

NOTE: If your child would like to walk through, please have them bring this form signed, along with their toonie on tuesday october 31st. They will need both in order to enter.

Student name: ____________________________________ (please print)

Student grade: ________

Parent signature:___________________________________

Thursday 5 October 2017

Todo October 5th

1. Journal Questions Due Tomorrow
2. Blog Post Important to me  Due Thursday morning.  

Wednesday 4 October 2017

To do Oct 4th

1. Photo day tomorrow
2. Journal Questions Due Friday

Go Leafs Go

Go Leafs Go!

Paragraph Showdown

Paragraph Showdown.

  1. You will have 15 min to write the best paragraph you can.

  1. It needs
    1. A Topic Sentence
    2. At least two supporting Sentences. (proof and example)
    3. A concluding sentence
    4. Creative- on any topic you want
    5. School appropriate

  1. I will print these paragraphs

  1. Next day I will post these paragraphs anonymously around the room.

  1. You will vote for your favorite, any that do not follow the rules above will be removed.

If you wish to type it a file has been created for you on google classroom.

Monday 2 October 2017

Blog Post #2 Important to Me

Important to Me

Learning Goal:  To present 3 to 5 important personal items, visually and in written form. Your writing must include the full paragraph like we have been working on in class. 

Success Criteria:
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 3-5 important items that you own
  • It’s clear you put some thought into your item selection
  • Post pictures with descriptions on why the objects are important to you
  • Paragraphs with: Topic Sentence, Supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.  
        Due date: 
        Here are a few examples from Mr. Hussey:

You may have a noticed a decorated hard hat sitting up on top of the shelves in my room. I've been surprised that no one has asked me about it. It is a hard hat that holds many memories for me. When I began university this hard hat was given to me as I was working back stage at the time putting up lights and building sets. Each time something new happened or I worked with a new person they added a picture to the hard hat for me. I keep it now as a reminder of all the people I met and the hard work I had to put in to get where I am today. 
This is Benny, he is my pet bird. I got Benny when he flew into my back yard when I was in grade seven, I remember putting up posters about a lost bird and trying to find his owner. Ever since then myself and Benny have been inseparable, he spends his days following me around the house, eating my dinner of my plate or just hanging out on my shoulder. Whereever I am in my house Benny goes there as well. My wife often jokes that I love him more then her and Benny comes first in my life.  

This is my wedding ring. If I didn't include this one I would be in trouble. It is a reminder of a promise I've made. It reminds me that I am very lucky to have my wife in my life. Sometimes I think about my wedding day and what an amazing day it was. The ring was passed onto me from my grandfather. It is the same ring that he wore his whole life.  I still remember when my wife put it on my finger and gave it a little tap.

To do Oct 2nd

1. Yellow fish tomorrow morning please dress for the weather.
2. Journal Questions due Thursday
3. Get your work Signed!
4. Math Practice page Q 1.