Monday 11 December 2017

Writing a Good Beginning!

Today we are looking at how to write a good beginning to a story. Look at the three introductions below. Which one would make you want to read more of my story. Be able to tell me why!

  • “Last summer I went to the beach. We had a lot of fun.”
  • “I woke up and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day. When I went downstairs, I said to my kids, ‘Let’s go to the beach today!’”
  • “It was only 6:45 am and already the temperature was over 80 degrees. I couldn’t take another day of swimming in my own sweat! There was only one solution. I hollered up the stairs: ‘Hey guys, who wants to go to the beach today?!’”
What are some topics we can write about? Let's put them on the white board!

Now lets look at five ways to write a good beginning Writing a great beginning

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