Thursday 31 May 2018


Mass is the measure of how much matter is in an object. Mass never changes but weight does depending on gravitational pull.

Mass is measured in KG, G and MG

Kg= Km G=M Mg=Ml

1000mg in 1 g

1000g in one Kg

Mg= Very light objects, G = light , Kg=Heavy

Wednesday 30 May 2018

To do May 30th

1. Lit Circle Task Three - Tomorrow
2. Memorize Drama- June 5th
3. Election Signs, Handouts etc. Done for Friday
4. Music Playing Test June 5th
5. Math we will complete in class tomorrow
6. Work Signed Lit circle task 2 and Fake News article

Have a Great Night!

-Mr. H


Definition: Volume is the amount of 3D space currently being taken up by an object. Measured in cubed units. Most oftenCm3. or M3

Formula: Area of Base x Height= Volume

H.W.= Pg 212 (2,3,4)

Tuesday 29 May 2018

To do May 29th

1. Lit Circle Task Three - May 31st 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Election Signs, Handouts etc. Done for Friday
4. Music Fingering Test May 30th, Playing Test June 5th

Have a Great Night!

-Mr. H


Definition: The maximum amount something can contain or how much work it can get done. Capacity deals with inside a container only. It does not take into consideration the outside of the container. It is space inside.

Capacity often is measured in ML, and L as it is easiest to fill inside space with a liquid. It can be measured in any unit however.

You can also use the decimal jumping method we practiced in class. 

Text 209 Q: 2,3 Work page 1,2,4,5

Monday 28 May 2018

To do May 28th

1. Lit Circle Task Three - May 31st 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Election Signs, Handouts etc. Done for Friday
4. Math pg 207 Q 2,3,4 Work Sheet Q 1,4
5. Music Fingering Test May 29th, Playing Test June 5th

Have a Great Night!

-Mr. H

Making Change!

How to round when dealing in single cents.

Home Work: Page 207 Q 2, 3,4 (keep in mind the rounding rule) (worksheet Q 1,4)

Friday 25 May 2018

To do May 25th

1. Lit Circle Task Three - May 31st 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Check out vote compass with your family on google classroom
4. Music H.W. - Monday
5. Music Fingering Test May 29th, Playing Test June 5th
6. Work Signed- Math test, Lit Circle Task 1. 
7. Monday- Bring in a toy for Science with Explanation on type of energy being used. - You will present this

Have a Great Weekend!

Mr. H

Wednesday 23 May 2018

To do May 23rd

1. Lit Circle Task Two - May 24th (Tomorrow)
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Math finish questions in class tomorrow
4. Music H.W. 
5. Music Fingering Test May 29th, Playing Test June 5th
6. Work Signed- Math test, Lit Circle Task 1. 
7. Monday- Bring in a toy for Science with Explanation on type of energy being used. - You will present this

Have a Great Night

Mr. H

Friday 18 May 2018

To do May 18th

1. Lit Circle task two - May 24th 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Math not completed Work sheet Q 1,2,3,5 Text 199 Q 1-6- Wed
4. Sherlock question- Wed
5. Trip Tuesday
6. Track and Field Tuesday

Have  a great long weekend! I will see you all on Tuesday!

Mr. H

Thursday 17 May 2018

To do May 17th

1. Lit Circle task two - May 24th 
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Fake News- Good Copy Friday
4. Math- Q 1,2,3,4,5 Pg 199
5. Sherlock question- Wed
6. Trip Forms- Friday
7. Jump Rope Tomorrow: Please bring sunscreen

Have  a great night! I will see you all tomorrow and am feeling much better.

Math May 17th

Wednesday 16 May 2018


The Problem:
Sherlock Homes was listening to a strange tape that
had been left at the home of Lady Webberly: "At the
sound of the tone the time is 7:00 PM. exactly, Monday,
May 3,1987. In precisely 16,700 minutes you must be
under the oak tree behind the Somerset library, or you
will be in grave danger." Sherlock instructed Lady
Webberly to follow the instructions and that he would
follow behind at a discreet distance. On what day and
at what time was Lady Webberly to be under the oak
tree behind the library?

To do May 16th

1. Lit Circle task two - May 24th 
2. Memorize Drama
3. Fake News- Good Copy Friday
4. Math- Q 1,2,3,5
5. Sherlock question- Wed
6. Trip Forms- Friday

Have  a great night! Good work with the first half of track and field today!

24hr time

To go along with our lesson today

Please complete Q:1,2,3,5

Tuesday 15 May 2018

To do May 15th

1. First Task Lit Circle- Tomorrow
2. Memorize Drama- June 1st
3. Fake news article typed and handed in Google Classroom- Editing tomorrow, good copy Friday
4. Forms for our trip.- Friday
5. Cardboard for French.
6. Clock page- math

Analogue Clock From Todays Lesson


Monday 14 May 2018

To do May 14th

1. First Task Lit Circle- Wed
2. Memorize Drama
3. Fake news article typed and handed in Google Classroom- Thursday
4. Forms for our trip.
5. Cardboard for French.

Track and Field Tomorrow All Day

  • sunscreen
  • water
  • lunch
  • blanket to sit on
  • more water
  • Enjoy the day!

Saturday 12 May 2018

To do May 11th

Sorry accidentally put this on the grade one blog, here it is Enjoy this sunny weekend and Mothers Day!

1. Lit Circle first task Wed
2. Fake news article Thursday
3. Math Practice Sheets, Assessment Monday
4. Cardboard for french
5. Memorize drama
6. Forms signed for the trip

- Mr. H

Wednesday 9 May 2018

To do May 9th

1. First Lit Circle task- Due May 16th
2. Fake news- Body and Conclusion Written
3. Memorize Drama
4. Math Pg 363- 1,2,3
5. Trip from may 22nd signed
6.  trip- June 15th - school cash online
7. Work signed

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Monday 7 May 2018

To do May 7th

1. Choose a novel to read for lit circle due May 9th
2. Math Page 18,19 2,3,4,6
3. Drama roles- memorizing
4. Example Lit Circle Example tomorrow
5.Forms for May 22nd- ASAP all three please
6. Field Trip June 15th- School cash online
7. Jump Rope For Heart Money Collecting
8. Work signed, Review, Letter/Poster, Math Quiz

Have a Great Night 

- Mr. Hussey

Fake News Article

We will be starting this this week here is a sneak peak!

Below is a copy of the front page of the assignment. Please refer to the paper assignment for full instructions and our examples from earlier in the week to reflect on the work you are doing.

So you Want to Make up the News

For this assignment you will be making your own fake news article. This article can be on anything you want it to be on as long as it is school appropriate and includes all the parts of an article.

You will need (Success Criteria):

Headline: Catches attention and sums up your story. (Should incite emotion in the reader)

Byline: Authors name and what they write about.

Place Line: Where the story begins or takes place.

Lead: Opening Paragraph, gives important information, answers the 5 w’s

Body: Tells in more detail what is happening, Normally has true statements or facts in it. Yours will be made up.

Quotation: What someone actually said (made up for your article), Makes the article feel true and adds accuracy.

Conclusion: Wraps up the article and Gives a thought related to what may happen next.

Picture: Related to the article to back up what is being said.

Friday 4 May 2018

To do May 4th

1. Choose a novel to read for lit circle due May 9th
2. Show parents Lit Circle Assignment
3. Math Page 18,19 2,3,4,6
4. Drama roles chosen by Monday- start memorizing
5. Example Lit Circle Example Package-Monday
6.Forms for May 22nd- ASAP all three please
7. Field Trip June 15th- School cash online
8. Jump Rope For Heart Money Collecting

Have a Great Night 

- Mr. Hussey

Patterns to Solve Problems

H. W. Pages

Wednesday 2 May 2018

To do May 2nd

1. Choose a novel to read for lit circle due May 9th
2. Show parents Lit Circle Assignment
3. Math Practice Page Front and Back Tomorrow
4. Health - Sign and Return Test
5.  Your Social Studies is due
6. Example Lit Circle Example Package-Friday
7. Forms for May 22nd- ASAP all three please

Have a Great Night 

- Mr. Hussey

Term and Term Number

Term Number: The number that tells the position in a pattern

Term: The result of applying the pattern rule to a term number.

HW: Complete the practice pages.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

To Do May 1st

1. Find a Novel for our Lit Circle
2. News article outline page
3. Math Text PG 8 Q 1,2,5,7
4. Social Studies Project

Number Patterns and Pattern Rules

A Number Pattern:
A list of numbers that follow a certain sequence or pattern.
They can be ascending or descending.

Pattern Rule: How a pattern grows or changes.

Types of Pattern Rules:

A Recursive Pattern Rule: is a pattern rule that tells you the start number of a pattern and how the pattern continues. For example, a recursive rule for the pattern 5, 8, 11, 14, … is start with 5 and add 3.

A Common Difference: is the difference between any two consecutive terms in a pattern. Not all patterns have a common difference. For example, the pattern 5, 10, 15, 20, … has a common difference of 5. The pattern 1, 4, 9, 16, … has no common difference.

An Explicit Pattern Rule: is a pattern rule that tells you how to get any term in the pattern without listing all the terms before it. For example, an explicit pattern rule for 5, 8, 11, 14, … uses the first term (5) and the common difference (3). To calculate the 20th term, 20th term first term  [(term number 1) (common difference)] 5 (19 3) 5 57 62

May News Letter

Mr. Hussey News
Hello Parents and Guardians of our Grade 5 class!

I cannot believe that it is already May! Where has the time gone? It seems like it was just yesterday that the school year had started and now we are down to our last nine weeks. Crazy!

Literacy: In Literacy we have been very busy! We have finished recounts, Movie Reviews, Letters, Poster creation and presentation as well as reading some non fiction sources and starting our media literacy unit on fake news. To finish up the year we will be wrapping up our fake news unit, writing our research papers and doing a self guided literacy circle where the students will be in charge of picking their own novel to read for the next 6-7 weeks and creating a number of different works based off of this novel. Eg Comic, letter, article etc. In oral speaking we will be putting on short plays in groups see Drama Below for more details.

Math: In Math we have just finished up our unit on fractions and decimals and will be moving onto number patterns and measurement before wrapping up the year with some probability.

Outdoors: As the days start to warm up we will be looking at spending more time outside to help enhance our learning.  This month we are taking part in the Bird Blitz! A program designed where the students get to be citizen scientists recording the birds they see and sending their information into Bird Studies Canada.

Drama/Oral Literacy: In Drama and Oral Literacy the students will be put into groups and be presenting short plays on the second last week of school. The exact dates will be announced at the beginning of June. These plays cover a range of social and critical thinking issues. The students will be in charge of memorizing their lines, coming up with a costume and props for their characters and creating a display about the play they are in before presenting to each other and hopefully any parents who are able to visit.

Extra Curricular:

Ongoing: Starting again Wednesday at Lunch: Garden Club! Excited to see all of you now the snow is gone. :)

Finished up:

Jr. Volleyball, Jr. Boys and Jr. Girls Basketball,School Musical.

Coming up:

Track and Field

Thank you,

Gareth Hussey